Our Values
Happy | Trusted | To Make Tails Wag!
We’ll be spending a lot of time with your dog and getting to know them well. So, it’s only fair that you know a bit about us too.
We believe that every dog should have a happy experience and feel safe when their owners are not around.
We will ensure your dog has a fantastic time with us every visit and provide them with a range of activities.
To optimise the experience, we only take a maximum of 9 sociable dogs at any one time.
Our Mission
Our mission is for Country Hounds to be the ultimate destination for dogs in the Wrexham area and to give complete peace of mind to dog owners. To provide a first-class doggy daycare adventure playground.
How Country Hounds Started…
We’ve been in your shoes. Before we settled here in 2019, we were just like you, we had to find somewhere and someone we trusted to look after our two dogs at the time, Steven and Ellie.
Using daycare centres and dog walkers were invaluable to us. Choosing the right environment for our dogs was crucial to our choice of care, we insisted on sending them to a place where we knew they would be well cared for and where they’ll be having lots of fun with a variety of things to occupy them and satisfy their curious natures.

A New era…
When the opportunity to move to a home surrounded by fields came up we jumped at the chance. Moving here made Country Hounds a reality, it was something we had dreamed of for such a long time. We’ve taken all of our best doggy daycare experiences and rolled them into one!
Country Hounds is the place where your dog will get the exercise they crave, the rest they need and a safe place to socialise with other dogs while having adventures along the way.
What are we up to now?…
We are proud to have survived the days of Covid and to have come out the other side!
We love doing what we do here at Country Hounds and the dreams are now a reality we get to live each and every day thanks to our loyal customer base and all of the amazing dogs that attend Puppy and Dog daycare here at Country Hounds in Wrexham.

Hi…I’m Carrie Jones
…owner of Country Hounds and one of the team!
I moved back to Wrexham in 2019 to be closer to family. I moved from Odiham, Hampshire where I had pursued my marketing career. This move presented me with the most amazing opportunity – to open my very own adventure playground for dogs while running my own marketing agency. I’d realised for a while that there is a growing need for doggy daycare centres so the decision to start Country Hounds made perfect sense to me.
If ever you visit or join Country Hounds, you’ll meet my three dogs: Steven the Beagle, Ellie the Red Fox Labrador and Dougo the Border Collie.
Steven is the inspiration for Country Hounds. He follows his nose whenever he’s off the lead which can take him anywhere – a whiff of something that takes his fancy and he’s away. My aim was to create a safe area where he could explore to his heart’s content without worrying about him running off.

Meet Rosie…
I’m Rosie, I have two lovely dogs of my own who I absolutely adore!
Archie the cockador, and Elizabeth the King Charles spaniel.
I lead a very active lifestyle as a fitness instructor and pilates specialist and love nothing more than getting outdoors and exploring, especially with any four-legged friends! (Even if we do get filthy!)
My fitness business requires me to work most mornings and evenings, but with my daytimes mostly free I decided to look for a way to make the most of that time, and dog walking seemed to be the perfect fit! With such a love for any four-legged friends, it seemed like the ideal gig!